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DOCTORS NEAR New York, New York

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Dr. Pecker graduated New York University School of Medicine, and was licensed to... Learn More About Mark Pecker


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Dr. Mark Pecker MD, a highly-rated internist, is licensed to offer online care in New York. Patients rate him 5 out 5 on PhysicianReady. He has a 4.3 overall rating for patient satisfaction. You can find recommendations for how to make an appointment online, whether you are a new or existing patient. Most internists specialize in Abdominal Pain or Acute Pain. They also treat other conditions. Dr. Pecker is a Medicare**-certified provider. Dr. Pecker graduated New York University School of Medicine, and was awarded his license to practice medicine in New York (141023). To provide care, he is currently employed at Weill Cornell Medical Associates as well as New York Presbyterian Weil Cornell Medical Center. Please contact Dr. Pecker if you would like to meet him. See how Dr. Pecker compares with other internists in New York.


  • No Medical Board Actions Found


Dr. Pecker graduated New York University School of Medicine, and was licensed to practice medicine in New York (141023).

Book an Appointment with Dr. Pecker

Pecker is available for online booking and in-person visits. Please sign in and follow the instructions to book an appointment with our General Physician.


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Contact Information

424 E 70th St
New York, New York, 10021
United States
EKG (Electrocardiogram)

About Mark Pecker

Dr. Mark Pecker MD, a highly-rated internist, is licensed to offer online care in New York. Patients rate him 5 out 5 on PhysicianReady. He has a 4.3 overall rating for patient satisfaction. You can find recommendations for how to make an appointment online, whether you are a new or existing patient. Most internists specialize in Abdominal Pain or Acute Pain. They also treat other conditions. Dr. Pecker is a Medicare**-certified provider. Dr. Pecker graduated New York University School of Medicine, and was awarded his license to practice medicine in New York (141023). To provide care, he is currently employed at Weill Cornell Medical Associates as well as New York Presbyterian Weil Cornell Medical Center. Please contact Dr. Pecker if you would like to meet him. See how Dr. Pecker compares with other internists in New York.

New York, New York, 10021

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Insaurance Accepted

We accept different health insurances. Please verify your health insurance providers’ eligibility directly with Mark Pecker, since it may change frequently and vary. Talk to your physician before taking any medical advice

  • Medicare
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Procedures Performed

  • EKG (Electrocardiogram)