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Dr. Katz currently accepts new patients. Dr. Katz is currently accepting new pat... Learn More About Gillian Katz


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Dr. Gillian Katz MD, is an endocrinologist who is highly rated in New York, NY. Patients rate her 5 out 5 on PhysicianReady. She has a rating of 4.6 out 5 for overall patient satisfaction. Dr. Katz currently accepts new patients. Dr. Katz is currently accepting new patients. She was licensed to practice medicine in New York (183999). Dr. Katz currently works at Gilian Katz MD as a physician. According to public records, she was paid $1,480 by medical companies between 2015-2021. This is more than the national average for endocrinologists. Please contact Dr. Katz if you would like to meet her. Check out how Dr. Katz compares with other New York endocrinologists.


  • Accepting New Patients
  • No Medical Board Actions Found


Dr. Katz currently accepts new patients. Dr. Katz is currently accepting new patients.

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Katz is available for online booking and in-person visits. Please sign in and follow the instructions to book an appointment with our General Physician.


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245 5th Ave
New York, New York, 10016
United States

About Gillian Katz

Dr. Gillian Katz MD, is an endocrinologist who is highly rated in New York, NY. Patients rate her 5 out 5 on PhysicianReady. She has a rating of 4.6 out 5 for overall patient satisfaction. Dr. Katz currently accepts new patients. Dr. Katz is currently accepting new patients. She was licensed to practice medicine in New York (183999). Dr. Katz currently works at Gilian Katz MD as a physician. According to public records, she was paid $1,480 by medical companies between 2015-2021. This is more than the national average for endocrinologists. Please contact Dr. Katz if you would like to meet her. Check out how Dr. Katz compares with other New York endocrinologists.

New York, New York, 10016

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Call: (646) 421-6062


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