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Posted 05/15/2023 in Acupuncturists

Say Goodbye to Chronic Pain with Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices

Say Goodbye to Chronic Pain with Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices

As someone who has struggled with chronic pain for years, I know how debilitating it can be. It affects every aspect of your life, from your physical health to your emotional well-being. That’s why I was excited to learn about electric acupuncture pen devices, which are becoming increasingly popular as a non-invasive way to manage chronic pain. In this article, I’ll share everything you need to know about electric acupuncture pen devices, including how they work, their benefits, and how to choose the right one for you.

Introduction to Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices

Electric acupuncture pen devices are handheld tools that use electric pulses to stimulate specific points in the body. These points are known as acupoints and are based on traditional Chinese medicine. Acupoints are believed to be connected to different organs and systems in the body, and stimulating them can help to promote healing and relieve pain.

Electric acupuncture pen devices are a modern take on traditional acupuncture. Rather than using needles to stimulate acupoints, these devices use a small electric current. They are portable and easy to use, making them a popular choice for people who want to manage chronic pain at home.

How Do Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices Work?

Electric acupuncture pen devices work by sending small electric pulses to specific points on the body. These pulses stimulate the nerves and muscles in the area, which can help to relieve pain and promote healing.

The electric pulses are delivered through a small tip on the device, which is placed on the skin over the acupoint. The device may emit a small beep or vibration to indicate that it is working. The intensity of the electric current can usually be adjusted to suit your comfort level.

It is important to note that electric acupuncture pen devices should not be used on open wounds or broken skin. They should also be avoided on areas of the body that are particularly sensitive, such as the eyes or genital area.

Benefits of Using Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices for Chronic Pain

There are many benefits to using electric acupuncture pen devices for chronic pain. Here are just a few:


One of the biggest advantages of electric acupuncture pen devices is that they are non-invasive. Unlike traditional acupuncture, which uses needles, these devices do not break the skin. This makes them a great option for people who are afraid of needles or who have a low pain tolerance.


Electric acupuncture pen devices are small and portable, which means you can use them anywhere. You don’t need to make an appointment with a practitioner or go to a clinic. You can use the device in the comfort of your own home, on your commute, or at work.


Electric acupuncture pen devices can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, and muscle tension. They can also be used to promote relaxation and improve sleep.


Electric acupuncture pen devices are a cost-effective alternative to traditional acupuncture. They are usually less expensive than a series of acupuncture treatments, and you only need to buy the device once.

Different Types of Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices in the Market

There are many different types of electric acupuncture pen devices available on the market. Here are a few of the most popular:

Meridian Energy Pen

The Meridian Energy Pen is a popular electric acupuncture pen device that uses a small electric current to stimulate acupoints in the body. It is designed to be used on the face, scalp, and body, and comes with different attachments for different areas of the body.

Acupressure Pen

The Acupressure Pen is a handheld device that uses electric pulses to stimulate accupoints. It is designed to be used on the face, scalp, and body, and comes with different attachments for different areas of the body.

Electronic Acupuncture Pen

The Electronic Acupuncture Pen is a handheld device that uses electric pulses to stimulate accupoints. It is designed to be used on the face, scalp, and body, and comes with different attachments for different areas of the body.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Electric Acupuncture Pen Device

When choosing an electric acupuncture pen device, there are several factors to consider. Here are a few:


Electric acupuncture pen devices can range in price from around $20 to over $100. Consider your budget and how much you are willing to spend.


Look for a device that is well-made and durable. Read reviews and do your research to find a device that is high-quality.


Consider the attachments that come with the device. Different attachments are designed for different areas of the body, so make sure the device you choose has the attachments you need.

Ease of Use

Choose a device that is easy to use and has clear instructions. You don’t want to be fiddling with a complicated device when you’re in pain.

How to Use an Electric Acupuncture Pen Device for Chronic Pain Relief

Using an electric acupuncture pen device for chronic pain relief is easy. Here are the steps:

*Choose the attachment that is best suited for the area of your body that is in pain.

*Turn on the device and adjust the intensity of the electric current to your comfort level.

*Hold the device against the skin over the acupoint for 10-15 seconds.

*Move the device to the next acupoint and repeat.

*Use the device for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day.

Precautions to Take When Using Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices

While electric acupuncture pen devices are generally safe, there are some precautions you should take when using them:

Do not use it on broken skin or open wounds.

Avoid using it on sensitive areas of the body, such as the eyes or genital area.

Do not use it if you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device.

Do not use it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Consult with your doctor before using if you have a medical condition.

Success Stories of People Who Have Used Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices for Chronic Pain Relief

There are many success stories of people who have used electric acupuncture pen devices for chronic pain relief. Here are a few:

Mary's Story

Mary had been suffering from chronic back pain for years. She had tried everything from physical therapy to pain medication, but nothing seemed to work. Then she discovered electric acupuncture pen devices. She started using the device several times a day, and within a few weeks, her pain had significantly reduced.

John's Story

John had been struggling with headaches for years. He had tried every medication under the sun, but nothing seemed to work. Then he discovered electric acupuncture pen devices. He started using the device on his temples and forehead, and within a few days, his headaches had disappeared.

Sarah's Story

Sarah had been experiencing muscle tension in her neck and shoulders for years. She had tried massage therapy and chiropractic care, but nothing seemed to work. Then she discovered electric acupuncture pen devices. She started using the device on her neck and shoulders several times a day, and within a few weeks, her muscle tension had significantly reduced.

Frequently Asked Questions About Electric Acupuncture Pen Devices

Here are some frequently asked questions about electric acupuncture pen devices:

Are electric acupuncture pen devices safe?

Yes, electric acupuncture pen devices are generally safe. However, there are some precautions you should take when using them.

Do electric acupuncture pen devices hurt?

No, electric acupuncture pen devices should not hurt. The electric pulses should feel like a gentle tapping or vibrating sensation.

How often should I use my electric acupuncture pen device?

You can use your electric acupuncture pen device several times a day, for 10-15 minutes at a time.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can vary from person to person, but many people report feeling relief after just a few sessions'


Electric acupuncture pen devices are a non-invasive and cost-effective way to manage chronic pain. They are easy to use and can be used anywhere, making them a great option for people who want to manage their pain at home. When choosing an electric acupuncture pen device, consider factors such as price, quality, and ease of use. Remember to take precautions when using the device, and consult with your doctor if you have any medical conditions. With regular use, electric acupuncture pen devices can help you say goodbye to chronic pain for good.

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