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Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease, a brain disorder, causes shaking, stiffness, and difficulty walking, balance, and coordination. Parkinson's symptoms often appear gradually and then get worse. People may experience difficulty talking and walking as the disease progresses. People may experience mental and behavioral changes, sleep difficulties, memory problems, fatigue, and other symptoms. Parkinson's disease can affect both men and women. The disease affects approximately 50 percent more women than men. Age is a clear risk factor for Parkinson’s disease. Despite the fact that most Parkinson's patients develop it around age 60, 5% to 10% of Parkinson's sufferers have "early-onset" Parkinson's disease. This is a disease that begins before 50. Parkinson's disease that develops early in life is often inherited. However, some forms can be linked to genetic mutations.

 What causes Parkinson's Disease? Parkinson's disease is a condition in which nerve cells of the Basal Ganglia, which control movement in the brain, are damaged or die. These nerve cells (or neurons) produce a brain chemical called dopamine. Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss or impairment of neurons producing dopamine. Scientists are still unsure of the causes of cells producing dopamine dying.

Parkinson's patients also experience a loss of nerve endings that make norepinephrine. This chemical messenger is responsible for many body functions, including heart rate and blood pressure. Some of the symptoms of Parkinson's include fatigue, irregular blood pressure, food movement through the digestive tract, and sudden drops in blood pressure when someone stands up from a lying down or sitting position. Lewy bodies are unusual clumps made of alpha-synuclein in brain cells of Parkinson's patients. Scientists are trying better understand alpha-synuclein's normal and abnormal functions and how they relate to genetic mutations that affect Parkinson's disease. While some Parkinson's cases can be traced back to genetic mutations or hereditary, most cases are random and do not appear to run in families. Researchers now believe Parkinson's disease is a result of combined genetic and environmental factors, such as being exposed to toxic substances. Parkinson's Disease Symptoms Four main symptoms of Parkinson's disease are: * Tremor (trembling in the hands, arms or legs, jaw, head, or neck * Tightness in the trunk and limbs * Slowness in movement * Falls can be caused by impaired balance and coordination Other symptoms include depression, anxiety, difficulty swallowing, chewing, and speaking, urinary problems, constipation, skin problems, and sleep disturbances. Individuals will have different symptoms and progression rates. People mistakenly dismiss the early signs of Parkinson's disease as normal aging. It is difficult to diagnose the disease accurately because there are not many medical tests that can definitively identify it. Parkinson's disease symptoms are often subtle and develop slowly. Affected people might feel mild tremors and have trouble getting up from a chair. You may find that your voice is too soft or that your handwriting looks cramped. Friends and family may notice signs of Parkinson's early in their loved ones. Friends and family members may notice changes in the person's appearance, such as a person who is unable to move their arms or legs normally. Parkinson's patients often have a parkinsonian gait. This includes a tendency for people to lean forward and take small, quick steps forward as if they are hurrying. There is also a reduced swinging of their arms. They may also have difficulty initiating or maintaining movement. Symptoms may appear on one side or one limb of the body. The disease eventually affects both the affected and unaffected sides. The symptoms can be more severe on one side of the disease than the other. People with Parkinson's often report that they used to have sleep problems, constipation, and decreased sense of smell before experiencing stiffness and shaking. Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease Many disorders can lead to symptoms that are similar to Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism is a condition that causes Parkinson's symptoms in people with Parkinson's disease-like symptoms. These disorders may initially be mistakenly diagnosed as Parkinson's. However, medical tests and the response to treatment may help distinguish them from Parkinson’s. Many other diseases can have similar symptoms, but they require different treatment. It is crucial to get a diagnosis right away. Nongenetic Parkinson's disease cases cannot be diagnosed by laboratory or blood tests. The person's medical history is used to diagnose the disease. A neurological exam is also used. Another important characteristic of Parkinson's is the improvement after starting medication. Parkinson's Disease Treatment There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease. However, medications, surgery, and other treatments can sometimes relieve some symptoms. Parkinson's Disease Medicines The following medications are prescribed for Parkinson's disease: * Drugs that increase brain dopamine levels * Drugs that alter brain chemicals * Drugs to control nonmotor symptoms Levodopa (also known as L-dopa) is the main treatment for Parkinson's. Levodopa is used by nerve cells to produce dopamine, which replenishes the brain's shrinking supply. People usually take levodopa with another medication called carbidopa. Carbidopa reduces or prevents side effects from levodopa therapy (such as nausea, vomiting, and low blood pressure) and reduces the dosage of levodopa required to improve symptoms. Parkinson's patients should not stop taking levodopa. Stopping suddenly can cause serious side effects such as difficulty breathing or inability to move. The following are some other medicines that can be used to treat Parkinson's disease symptoms: * Dopamine agonists that mimic dopamine's role in the brain * MAO-B inhibitors are used to slow down the enzyme that degrades dopamine in your brain * Dopamine can be broken down with COMT inhibitors * Amantadine is an antiviral drug that helps to decrease involuntary movements. * Anticholinergic drugs to reduce muscle rigidity and tremors Deep Brain Stimulation Deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be an option for Parkinson's patients who are not responding to medication. DBS is a surgical procedure in which electrodes are surgically implanted into a part of the brain. The electrodes then connect to an electrical device placed in the chest. The electrodes and device painlessly stimulate the brain, helping to stop Parkinson's symptoms such as rigidity, slowness, and tremors. Other Therapies Parkinson's disease symptoms can be treated with other therapies. These therapies include speech, occupational and speech therapy. They can help with tremors, rigidity, gait, and other mental problems. You can also get support therapies by eating a healthy diet and doing exercises to improve balance and strengthen your muscles.




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